
Friday, March 21, 2014

MRVED Business

Communication Briefings - 3 Common Errors
Even professional communicators, make mistakes - usually because of haste rather than ignorance.  Here are some of the most common:

1.  Between you and I. The correct form is "between you and me."  Between is a preposition like with or from, so use an objective pronoun: me.
2.  All ready.  Unless you are referring to a group - "We were all ready to go" - you should use the adverb already, meaning by this time.  Example: We already covered that.
3.  It's.  Easily misused, the word it's is a contraction meaning it is.  The word its is a possessive pronoun.

Upcoming Meetings
March 25  Pathways to Postsecondary
March 26  Superintendents' Council
March 28  MRVED Professional Development Day - trainings at LQPV and Dawson-Boyd (contact Brandon Raymo - - to register or for more information on these trainings)

April 1  Guidance Counselors - RESCHEDULED FROM MARCH 18
April 8  Principals' Council & TAC Joint meeting
April 11  Title III Teachers
April 23  Superintendents' Council
April 23  MRVED Board (7 p.m.)

Teachers of Tomorrow Summer Institute

2014 Teachers of Tomorrow Summer Institute
Minnesota State University Mankato is hosting the 2014 Teachers of Tomorrow Summer Institute July 15-19.  This institute is for high school sophomores, juniors, or seniors who have an interest in the field of education.  The cost is only $50 and would be a great opportunity for any kid that is interested in becoming a teacher.  If you know of any student that would be interested, pass on the flyer and application to them or have them watch the video below.


First Days of School - Inviting Students to Learn

"Effective teachers have the power and the ability to invite
students and colleagues each day and in every class to learn together."

We will continue our series centered around Harry and Rosemary Wong's book, The First Days of School.  Wong outlines the three characteristics of an effective teacher as:
  • Has positive expectations.
  • Is an extremely good classroom manager.
  • Knows how to design lessons for student mastery.
For the first couple weeks, we will focus on positive expectations.

How to Invite Students to Learn - Chapter 9
Wong's chapter on inviting students to learn is heavily influenced by William W. Purkey's concept of "Invitational Education".  Invitational education is centered around the following:
  • People are able, valuable, and responsible and should be treated accordingly.
  • Helping is a cooperative, collaborative alliance in which process is as important as product.
  • People possess relatively untapped potential in all areas of human development.
  • Human potential can best be realized by places, policies, programs, and processes that are intentionally designed to invite development, and by people who consistently seek to realize this potential in themselves and others, personally and professionally.
To fulfill the above propositions, invitational education employs the following:
  • Opportunities are everywhere, but little happens until invitations are sent, received, and acted on.
  • A positive self-concept is the product of inviting acts.
  • One inviting act can make a positive difference even if everything else is disinviting.
  • We will always be invited if we are giving the party.
  • Human potential is always there, waiting to be discovered and invited forth.
  • To maintain a consistently inviting stance is the essence of an effective teacher.
Are you Invitational or Disinvitational?
  • Do you greet your students every day?
  • Do you smile and listen to your students?
  • Is your environment inviting?
An invitation is a message that states that the person being invited is responsible, able, and valuable.  "The critical ingredient needed for people to realize their fullest potential lies in the kinds of invitations extended to individuals by the significant people in their lives." (Wong, 64)

Teachers are significant people in any students lives.  Educators need to know the power of being invitational in the learning process.  If a student does not feel safe and invited to learn, the chances they will learn decreases.  Here are a couple examples of being an inviting teacher:
  • A teacher says, "this kid can't read"...instead the teacher could say, "this kid can't read.  How can I help him/her?"
  • Having live plants in your classroom.
  • Greeting students at the door every day.
Four Levels of Invitational Education
  1. Intentionally Disinviting - Deliberately demean, discourage, defeat, and dissuade students.
    1. Examples: "I failed 12 students last semester."  "I've only given one A in 16 years of teaching."  "You will never amount to anything."
  2. Unintentionally Disinviting - Are not deliberately negative, but often say things to demean students.
    1. Examples: "If you don't want to learn, that's your problem."  "I was hired to teach history, not all these other things."  "I teach only students who want to learn."
  3. Unintentionally Inviting - Generally well liked and effective, but are unaware of why they are effective.
    1. Examples: "Aren't you sweet."  "I enjoy teaching."  "Great job!"
  4. Intentionally Inviting - Have a professional attitude, work diligently and consistently, and strive to be more effective teachers.
    1. Examples: "Good morning, have a great day."  "Please tell me more."  "You can do better; let me show you how."

Tech Tip

PBS Kids Interactive Whiteboard Games
If you are a PreK-3 teacher, and have an interactive whiteboard in your classroom PBS Kids Whiteboard site is for you!  This site has a variety of games designed specifically for your interactive whiteboard.  The games range from basic math to learning the alphabet.  Take 5 minutes to browse through it today!

March 28 Offerings

LQPV & Dawson/Boyd will be offering training opportunities for all teachers in the MRVED on March 28, see details below:

Typical or Troubled Training at LQPV from 7:45-8:45
  • Early identification of mental health problems and the importance of intervention. 
  • An overview of mental disorders and the key warning signs. 
  • The impact of a mental health issue on the teen and school community, why getting appropriate care and treatment is critical, and the difference between 'typical' and 'troubled' behavior. 
  • The role school personnel (or other adults in the community) can play in helping a teen get help - and why taking action and referring is important. 
  • An overview of how the school's referral system works and the steps to take action to connect a student to help. 
  • How to talk to and engage teens, parents, or school counselors.
  • For more information visit the American Psychiatric Foundation website.

ACE's Training at Dawson/Boyd from 12:30-3:00
  • An Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) describes a traumatic experience in a person's life occurring before the age of 18 that the person recalls as an adult.
  • 55% of Minnesotans report experiencing one or more ACE in childhood.
  • For more information about ACE visit the Minnesota Department of Health website.
Both of these opportunities are open to all MRVED schools.  If you are interested in participating please contact Brandon ( at the MRVED for more information and/or to register.  There will be limited spots available.  If you plan to attend, please let Brandon know by the end of the day Tuesday, March 25.