
Friday, March 27, 2015

Horizon's Report - Makerspaces

The past couple weeks we have touched on a variety of trends related to educational technology.  This week we will start focusing on a couple of the technologies that may have an impact in education in the next five to seven years.

The Horizon's Report outlines two technologies that can have an impact in one year or less.  These two technologies are the Bring Your Own Device movement and The Flipped Classroom.  Since these two movements are relatively well-known, we'll focus on the developments that may take two to three years to adopt.

The first of these movements is the Makerspace movement.  A Makerspace is a space to make things.

This space usually has the space, tools, and materials used to build something.  One of the real benefits to a Makerspace is collaborative learning.  Other people are in this same space building and each person has their own unique experiences and expertise.  These spaces pull learning from all content areas together to create something.  Wouldn't it be great to give kids the space, time, tools, and materials to build and see what they come up with?  If you ever have the opportunity to participate in a Makerspace, do it!  It is a very rewarding and fun experience.

7 Things You Should Know About Makerspaces

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