Online learning continues to grow and evolve at both the K-12 level as well as higher ed. As our technologies advance, our online courses will also advance. The typical online course is no longer only offered in the university, but also in high school and elementary. Other advances in learning analytics and synchronous and asynchronous communication have allowed online classes to meet the needs of a variety of learners. Examples of the online growth can be seen with the Khan Academy. One can learn almost anything in a personalized manner without the aid of a teacher. Everything is driven by learning analytics. What do you know? What don't you know? What should you learn next? Is all driven by algorithms. It's a very interesting concept to see where we have been, where we are now, and the possibilities of tomorrow in online learning.
I don't think we need to fear losing our teachers to computers, but we do need to understand and grasp the online world. How can we use it to organize our content and help our students grow and learn.
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