
Friday, April 4, 2014

First Days of School - Classroom Management

Classroom Management

The second characteristic of an effective teacher is being a good classroom manager.  The next part in Wong's book talks about classroom management strategies.  This will be the focus of this series for the next couple weeks.

"Effective teachers MANAGE their classrooms.  Ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their classrooms"

Classroom management refers to all of the things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that instruction in content and student learning can take place (Wong, 84).  Linking back the previous section, Wong says, "The most important thing a teacher can provide in a security" (Wong, 85).

Characteristics of a Well-Managed Classroom
  1. Students are deeply involved with their work, especially with academic, teacher led instruction.
  2. Students know what is expected of them and are generally successful.
  3. There is relatively little wasted time, confusion, or disruption.
  4. The climate of the classroom is work-oriented, but relaxed and pleasant.

Characteristics Effective Teacher
High level of student involvement with work Students are working.
Clear student expectations Students know that assignments are based on objectives.

Students know that tests are based on objectives.
Relatively little wasted time, confusion, or disruption Teacher has a discipline plan.

Teacher starts class immediately.

Teacher has assignments posted.
Work-oriented but relaxed and pleasant climate Teacher has invested time in practicing procedures until they become routines.

Teacher knows how to bring class to attention.

Teacher knows how to praise the deed and encourage the student.

Here are a couple ending quotes from this chapter on classroom management:
"A well-managed classroom is a task-oriented and predictable environment." (Wong, 88)
"It is the responsibility of the teacher to manage a class to see that a task-oriented and predictable environment has been established." (Wong, 88)

During the next couple weeks we will be looking at the different aspects of a well-managed classroom, according to Harry Wong.

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